Science, Scientific Methods and Scientific Research According from Zambrut Science Research Journals (2019), Knowledge is something that is known directly from experience, based on the five senses, and spontaneously processed by the mind. In essence, knowledge is spontaneous, subjective and intuitive. Knowledge is closely related to truth, namely the correspondence between the knowledge possessed by humans and the reality that exists on the object. Knowledge can be divided into non-scientific knowledge and pre-scientific knowledge. Non-scientific knowledge is the result of sensory absorption of everyday life experiences that are unnecessary and impossible to verify. Non-scientific knowledge cannot be developed into scientific knowledge. For example the knowledge of certain people about jinn or spirits in certain places, the efficacy of heirlooms, and others. Pre-scientific knowledge is the result of sensory absorption and rational thinking that is open to further testing using scientific methods. For example, people's knowledge about the benefits of guava leaf decoction to reduce symptoms of diarrhea. Science (science) comes from the Latin scientia which means knowledge. Science is understood as a disciplined process of inquiry. Science aims to predict and understand natural phenomena. Science is knowledge that has been reprocessed and arranged methodically, systematically, consistently and coherently. In order for knowledge to become a science, the knowledge must be sorted (into a certain field of reality) and arranged methodically, systematically and consistently. The goal is that this experience can be expressed more clearly, in detail and precisely. Methodist means in the process of finding and processing knowledge using certain methods, not haphazardly. Systematic means in an effort to find the truth and describe the knowledge obtained, using certain steps that are orderly and directed so that it becomes an integrated whole. Coherent means every part of the description of science is a series of interrelated and consistent (consistent). While an attempt to find, develop and test the truth of a knowledge is called research. These efforts were carried out using scientific methods. Science or scientific knowledge can be divided into (According to Daniel Roger Editor): Quantitative-Physical Science, often called empirical knowledge. This knowledge is obtained through a process of observation and analysis of empirical data and phenomena. Included in this science group are geology, biology, anthropology, sociology, and others. Formal-Qualitative Science, often called mathematical knowledge. This knowledge is obtained by way of reflection analysis by looking for relationships between concepts. Included in this science group are formal logic, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and others. Metaphysical-Substantial Science, often called philosophical knowledge. Philosophical knowledge is obtained by means of reflection analysis (understanding, interpretation, speculation, critical judgment, rational logical) by searching for the nature of the principles underlying the existence of all reality. Understanding of the Scientific Method The Scientific Method is a systematic way used by scientists to solve problems faced. This method uses steps that are systematic, orderly and controlled. The implementation of this scientific method through the following stages: Formulate the problem. A problem is something that must be solved, which can arise because of observations of a phenomenon that is in the environment. Gathering information, which is all information that leads and is close to solving problems. Often referred to as studying the theory or study of literature. Formulate a hypothesis. Hypothesis is a temporary answer that is compiled based on data or information obtained during observation or literature review. Test the hypothesis by conducting an experiment or research journal authors. Analyze data (results) of experiments to produce conclusions. Drawing conclusions. This conclusion is based on analysis of research data. The results of research with this method are objective data, not influenced by the subjectivity of the research scientist and universal (carried out anywhere and by anyone will give the same results). Test the conclusion. To make sure the truth of the hypothesis through the results of the experiment needs to be re-tested. If the test results always support the hypothesis, the hypothesis can become a rule (law) and even become a theory. The scientific method is based on scientific attitude. Scientific attitude should be owned by every research and scientist. The scientific attitude in question is: Curiosity Honest (accepting the results of research and not making it up) Objective (according to available facts, and not influenced by personal feelings) Diligent (not discouraged) Be thorough (not careless and make no mistakes) Open (willing to accept correct opinions from others) Scientific research One of the important things in science is research. Research comes from the word re which means back and search which means to search, so research or research can be defined as an effort to develop and study the truth of a knowledge. Scientific research is defined as a series of observations that continue to connect, accumulate and produce theories that are able to explain and predict phenomena. Scientific research is often associated with scientific methods as a systematic procedure used to conduct research. Scientific research is also one way to explain natural phenomena. The existence of scientific research makes science develop, because the hypotheses produced by scientific research often undergo reproduction. A study must meet several characteristics to be said to be scientific research. Generally there are four characteristics of scientific research, namely: Systematic, which means that a study must be arranged and carried out in sequence according to the correct patterns and rules, from easy and simple to complex. Logical. A study is said to be true if it is acceptable to reason and is based on empirical facts. The search for truth must proceed according to procedure or rules of reasoning, which is logic. The reasoning procedure used can be an inductive procedure that is a way of thinking to draw general conclusions from a variety of individual cases (special) or a deductive procedure that is a way of thinking to draw conclusions that are specific to a statement of a general nature. Empirical, it means that a research is usually based on daily experience (aposteriori facts, ie facts of sense impressions) that are found or through trial and error results which are then raised as research results. There are three empirical research foundations, namely: a). Empirical things always have similarities and differences (there are classifications or comparisons with each other). b). Empirical things always change according to time. c). Empirical things cannot be accidental, but there are causes (there is a causal relationship). Replicative. This means that a study that has been carried out must be tested again by another researcher and must provide the same results when done with the same methods, criteria and conditions. To be replicative, the preparation of operational definitions of variables is an important step for a researcher. Science, a process that works with the scientific method, has greatly improved human views. One of those successes is the correction of spontaneous generation theory that has existed since the Middle Ages. This theory assumes that living things come from non-living things. For example, frogs emerge from mud, insects from food scraps, dirty cloths sprinkled with wheat can give rise to mice, and grubs come from meat. After working hard through a long study, Louis Pasteur, a famous French scientist, announced his conclusion which invalidated the theory of spontaneous generation and Charles Robert Darwin's theory of evolution. Pasteur revealed the following: "Can matter form itself? Not! Until now there were no factors by which people could prove the existence of microscopic living things that could live on earth without a parent like before. "The discoveries in the field of science improve technology. Meanwhile, technological advancements support the achievement of research.

Jeff and Ambergray, Dedicated for Education, Science and Knowledge

Jeff and Ambergray, Dedicated for Education, Science and Knowledge
Jeff and Ambergray, Dedicated for Education, Science and Knowledge
Jeff and Ambergray, Dedicated for Education, Science and Knowledge